Amanda Knox, Murder

‘Making a Murderer’ like Amanda Knox

Candace Owens systematically exposes the lies and omissions of the ‘Making a Murderer’ movie by Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos. There is no doubt Ricciardi and Demos had the agenda of portraying a psychopath murderer as innocent.

What kind of depravity leads to film makers creating a movie to deceive the public about the vicious murder of an innocent young 25-year-old woman like Teresa Hallbach?

All for money and lots of it no doubt. The Innocence Fraud groups have deep pockets. The unfortunate reality we live in where ‘safe and effective’ really means ‘dangerous and deadly.’ The lack of morality in the media and justice groups seems to be spreading like turbo cancer.

‘Making a Murderer’ was a Netflix hit in 2015 so it is not surprising that they followed up with another murderer ‘mystery’ the Amanda Knox Documentary in 2016.

Meredith Kercher 1985-2007

Another pack of lies, this time narrated with the strident voice of Knox herself. Shockingly, it included video of Meredith Kercher, that had never been seen before leading to questions of where it came from as the police had never seen it apparently. Even more unsettling, the video, in which Amanda silenced Meredith’s voice . . . again, appeared to show Knox stalking Meredith with the camera!

Murderers seem to get away with everything and a gullible segment of the public support them, ALL because of a Netflix show. Knox has made millions from her crimes in Italy and continues to do so to this day. Knox has even made a comedy about it since she thinks it’s funny to get away with murder.

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